How Often Should You Clean Your Office?
A clean and organized workplace can impact efficiency and productivity. So, how often should you be cleaning your office? Here is a brief checklist with recommendations to help keep your workspace tidy a little at a time.
Every 1 to 2 Days
- Tidy up your desk, file away documents, and if you find yourself needing to organize extra papers, a desktop organizer
- Wash any mugs, glasses, or dishes you might have used throughout the day.
- Straighten up any decor in your office.
- Throw out any food from the break room fridge that isn’t going to be eaten.
- Disinfect your entire desk surface with either wipes, or with a spray and paper towels (or a microfiber cloth).
- Do some quick dusting at your desk, exposed shelves, windowsills, light fixtures, etc.
- Wipe down your monitor and chair arms.
- Wipe down the keyboard, mouse, doorknob, and phone with a disinfecting wipe, more frequently during winter months!
- If you don’t have a service or staff that vacuums and empties trash, you can do these weekly and replace the can liner while you’re at it.
- Pull up window blinds and clean the glass.
- Dust any cobwebs from the corners and walls.
- Replace burned-out light bulbs.
- Organize your drawers.
- Take care of any paper shredding you may have collected.
Stock Up On Cleaning Supplies!
Perry Office Plus is your local source for any cleaning supplies you could need, from individual to industrial use. Shop now at or contact our Customer Support Team at (800) 234-6605.