As we plunge head first into the last quarter of the year, Perry is encouraging everyone to #PlanAheadWithPerry! We’re here to share 5 ideas to stay on the track towards success in 2022.
1. Make Your Mark on Boards
Whiteboards, cork boards, chalk boards, glass boards… they’re classics. You can take notes on them, use them for collaboration, use push pins or magnets on them, draw goofy little doodles on them when you start to get board – the possibilities are endless! Okay, not really endless, but depending on how creative you want to be or how (in)formal your workplace is, they sure do have a lot of uses.
For a little #PlanAheadWithPerry encouragement on the importance of these boards, we have some special offers for the month of October:
- First, a GIVEAWAY! From Oct. 4, 2021 – Oct. 18, 2021, we are hosting a giveaway on our website (and no purchase necessary!) Simply pop over to perryop.com/PlanAhead, fill out the giveaway form, and just like that, you have the chance to win a prize pack valued at over $150, which includes a beautiful 36″ x 24″ U Brands Magnetic Glass Dry Erase Board!
- Second, FREEBIES! From Oct. 1, 2021 – Oct. 29, 2021, you will have the choice of a board accessory pack on the purchase of any U Brands board through Perry! Get the details more at perryop.com/PlanAhead.
2. Keep Track of Time with Calendars
We may live in a digital age, but paper calendars still have their uses! They’re a great place to jot down notes or appointments, even if it’s just to remind you to transfer it into your digital calendar later. Plus, you’re more likely to remember something if you physically write it down. We will be including a Blue Sky Desk Calendar in our #PlanAheadWithPerry giveaway as well!
3. Take Notes in Journals & Planners
Take this tip in the same stride as the calendar one – no matter how much technology continues to grow, sometimes it’s just more convenient to take notes physically.
And you can take these products a step further if you consider getting branded journals and planners, either for your team or as a marketing gift. You can put your brand’s name right into a customers hand, which will then be placed on their desk or in their bag to continue being used for at least a few months, likely longer! Did you know? Promotional products trump all other forms of media in rates of return on advertising. Don’t miss your shot, a New Year’s gift seems like the perfect time to gift these. Start shopping promosbyperry.com or get in contact with our promotional team at promos@perryop.com to get started on your next project!
4. Save Space with Workspace Organizers
They say that an organized desk is the sign of a messy desk drawer, but this doesn’t have to be the case. You can have you cake an eat it too, you just need the right space saving tips and organizers! There’s nothing wrong with having a junk drawer, until you just can’t find that one thing you need. When setting up your workspace, consider what it is you do and what you need to access most often. Typically you want a place to keep you pens, pencils, maybe a highlighter, permanent marker, scissors, ruler – see what you need, and pick your organizers around that. We’ve got a great selection to choose from at perryop.com.
5. Protect Documents with File Boxes & Cabinets
If you archive documents, files, receipts, or physical paper copies of any kind, you should already have a file box or cabinet. If you don’t, this is your sign that now is the time! Some consider these items to be obsolete because, say it with me, we live in the digital age, however, there are many counter points to this.
- For one, it’s always good to have a backup plan. Files can be corrupted, technology can break, and if you don’t have backed up files on an external drive or physical copies, you could lose important documents in the blink of an eye.
- Boxes and cabinets are also secure; they’re under lock and key at your office location, and they’re even safer if you get a fire proof cabinet. Digital security is constantly being developed and updated, which is great, except that it is constantly being updated because cyber terrorism is rampant. You may not think the documents you store are of any interest to a cyber-attack, but you could be surprised.
- Lastly, file boxes and cabinets can, believe it or not, be used to store other items. Your stapler, tape dispenser, paperclips, and other office supplies can’t be digitized. They can, however, be stashed away into a cabinet to keep your space tidy and organized! See the cabinet below? Storage on the top, files on the bottom – the perfect combonation.
You know what they say: New Year, New You, but we think you’re pretty great just the way you are… maybe just work on your organizational skills in 2022 – there’s always room for improvement there!
Need help finding the perfect items for you or your team? We are happy to help! Contact our Customer Support Team at customerservice@perryop.com or (800) 245-6605.