Check out these ideas for trade show booth games!
All these can be branded with your logo, and you can add
your own prizes to the slots, using your own printer.
Not getting much from your trade show booth? Consider using a game to entice visitors to stop in and hear your pitch. Games generate buzz at an event, and get you a great return on your trade show investment.
1. “Pay” to Play!
Whether you get a business card, newsletter sign up, or being willing to hear a short pitch before they play, it’s a good idea to have a “price” to play the game or enter the giveaway. You’ll come away from your event with a larger prospect list.
2. For difficult games, offer consolation prizes.
If your game requires some skill like a Bean Bag Toss [shop bean bag toss games], or has a low chance of winning, offer a higher-end prize for winners, and less expensive gifts to say “thanks for playing”. They won’t walk away empty handed, AND they’ll have something branded to remember you by.
Higher end gifts might include:
- Bluetooth speakers
- Flashlights
- Mobile power banks
- Stainless steel water bottles
Consolation gifts might look like:
- Plastic tumblers
- Hand sanitizer sprays
- Inexpensive sunglasses
- Good quality pens
The same logic applies if you’re wanting to keep your costs down, but want to have an enticing game. For example, if you’re using a Prize Wheel [ shop prize wheels ], you could have a limited number of space with the higher end gifts and several with less costly items.
3. Capitalize on the “onlookers” with booth branding.
A crowd will often form around exciting games like a Prize Drop (commonly known as Plinko) [shop plinko games] or golf putt. Make sure the onlookers know who you are, even if you don’t get the chance to speak with them individually.
- Brand your booth with stand-up banners, table covers, and easy-to-read signage.
- Include displays with great images and benefits of working with you.
- Place professionally printed materials near the front or corners of your booth.
- Brand your game! Most games have the option for pre-printed graphics, or optional graphics you can create with your own printer.
No matter your industry, games are a great way to engage event attendees, and we can help you select the products to make it work.
Call (800) 234-6605 to speak with our Promotional Consultant or email promos@perryop.com to start working with Perry Office Plus on your next event!