No one wants a smelly workspace, car, or home, and there are specially made air fresheners for those spaces. But here are two ways restroom deodorizers that are also useful beyond stall!
Urinal Screens as Space Fresheners
These colorful deodorizers are technically intended for use in the men’s room, but they work in a number of other ways to freshen a space:
- Place one in the bottom of your Diaper Genie to help mask odors!
- Throw one under the seat of your car to keep your vehicle fresh for 30 days!
- Pop the package open and place it in a gym bag or locker to keep the stink at bay.
Not Just a Bowl Clip Anymore!
It might seem odd to see one of these outside the toilet bowl, but with a sleek look and bright colors, adding one of these is a great way to get that good smell:
- On a cubicle wall for a fresh workspace
- On the side of a trash can to cover odors at the desk
- Bathroom stall wall for easy changing

You can shop for these deodorizing clips on perryop.com!
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