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The team at Perry is currently obsessed with A-Tac Mats, the scalable matting system that protects your floors and your budget!
Spoil Your Floors: 4 Reasons to Invest in Quality Floor Care
(0) Spoil Your Floors: 4 Reasons to Invest in Quality Floor Care
Running a business is no small feat, and sometimes, things get overlooked. But one thing you don’t want to overlook is your floors! Investing in quality floor care can have a multitude of benefits that go beyond aesthetics. Here are four reasons why spoiling your floors with some TLC is a smart move:
 How Often Should You Clean Your Office?
(0) How Often Should You Clean Your Office?
A clean and organized workplace can impact efficiency and productivity. So, how often should you be cleaning your office? Here is a brief checklist with recommendations to help keep your workspace tidy a little at a time.
First in Texas: Perry Office Plus Installs Laundromat’s Automatic Chemical Dosing System
(0) First in Texas: Perry Office Plus Installs Laundromat’s Automatic Chemical Dosing System
With the help of Perry Office Plus, Tornado Laundromat in Amarillo, Texas, became the first coin-operated laundromat in the State to install a chemical dosing system!
Don’t Slip Up: The 3-Mat Entry System
(0) Don’t Slip Up: The 3-Mat Entry System
Not so fun fact: in 2019, 27% of the nonfatal workplace injuries were related to slips, trips, & falls. According to the CDC, slip and fall accidents are the most common form of accident claim in the retail industry.
Welcome to the Future of Floor Care: Autonomous Floor Machines
(0) Welcome to the Future of Floor Care: Autonomous Floor Machines
Don’t panic: The robots are not taking over, they’re just here to help! Perfect for supermarkets, hospitals & healthcare facilities, schools & universities, retail malls, airports, and office buildings, autonomous floor care machines that require minimal oversight allow staff to focus on tasks that require a human touch.
Beyond Germs: The Benefits of Air Purification
(0) Beyond Germs: The Benefits of Air Purification
Did you know, indoor air is an average of 5 times dirtier than outdoor air? Clean air is critical to creating healthy indoor environments, but it’s full of potential contaminants ranging from viruses to VOCs to common dust. The benefits of clean air go beyond providing safety against germs: they improve attendance, mood, and productivity, neutralize unpleasant odors, and provide reassurance amongst colleagues and classmates!
How Plastic Trash Bags are Made
(0) How Plastic Trash Bags are Made
First invented by Canadian inventor Harry Wasylyk in 1950, trash bags are a 20th century miracle! Before them, we were just throwing trash, at best, into filthy metal cans, and at worst, directly into the ground or ocean. But following WWII, Wasylyk was experimenting with a new waterproof, stretchy material called polyethylene. You can learn more about the history of trash bags on this blog post by AAA Polymer.
5 Essential Services Your Laundry Chemicals Supplier Should Be Providing
(0) 5 Essential Services Your Laundry Chemicals Supplier Should Be Providing
If you have commercial or institutional laundry needs – such as those in a hotel, school athletics department, healthcare environment, or correctional institution – your laundry chemical supplier should provide a variety of services to keep your systems functioning well and getting the results you need. Here are some of the services we provide as a Laundry Chemical Supplier in Central Texas and the Brazos Valley.
Know Your Mops: A Cleaning Tool Primer
(0) Know Your Mops: A Cleaning Tool Primer
To make floor cleaning easier and get the best results, it helps to understand the different types of mops and what they are designed to accomplish. Here’s a handy guide to help select the right mop for the job.